Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Water, Water, Water!

Who has trouble getting in their daily required water? ME!!! 
I am so guilty of not getting in enough water.  

I'm not a big drinker of anything.  It's not like I drink so much of other stuff that there isn't room for water.  I drink hot tea, a cup or two a day usually is it. I don't drink soda or  juices much either.  As for juice I like a cup of organic apple juice or orange juice if by chance we buy it, which isn't often.  As for water, it takes me everything I have to get through one bottle. On a good day which means it very hot out, I've worked out or walked in the heat I then can get in maybe 3 bottles.  Yes, I know, that's not nearly enough of what my body needs.  

Water has great benefits, especially with weight loss.  Maybe this is one big reasons my weight loss is slow, I'm NOT drinking enough.  Hmmmm.  It's time to reevaluate my strategies and really put this water drinking to the test.  
Here are a few benefits of drinking water. 

How much should one drink? 
A rule of thumb is that you should drink half your body weight in ounces.  This means if you weigh 150 lbs then you should drink 75 ounces of water a day.  That is 4 1/2 of 16.9 oz bottles of water.  I just recently read an article that this rule is for sedentary people and for those that are more active that you should drink 75% of you body weight in ounces.  Now that is a whole heck of a lot of water I must say!  This is a really challenging task at least for me. This would mean a person of 150 lbs should drink 112.5 ounces of water each day. Thats just shy of 7 full 16.9oz bottles.  Yikes! I need to step up my water intake a bunch!! 
Here is the basic reference chart or cheat chart. 😊

 Options and Ideas
Adding lemon juice or slices of lemons help get me through some and on some days I prefer it to be room temp and others I like it to be ice cold.  I also like to add other fruit slices into it as well like oranges, apples and I've even added strawberries with pineapple before. All are very tasty I must say.  
I guess the hard part for me  is the I initial step in grabbing the water to begin with.  With me personally I never feel or seem to feel thirsty.  This needs to change or I will never develop a healthy habit of drinking water or the right amount needed for my weight and activity, especially if I'm on this journey to lose weight.  

I have tried to line up at least 4 bottles daily and set my mind up to drink them through the day.  So far I haven't had great success in being consistent with that but Im still working on it.  I know some people set up a whole gallon jug and mark times on it with a marker to show what time they think a portion should be gone by.  Maybe I will adapt this method and see if that helps.  If any of you readers have any suggestion on how I can encourage to up my water intake please leave a comment in thisblog. 

My own line up of water

The marked jug option which I may give a try and see how I do.  

I shall report back after I've tried more options and any suggestions that get posted. 

Well Wishes, (((Hugs))) & Prayers & Drink Up! 

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