Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My first 5K and the Unexpected

I've taken a bit of a hiatus from things the past few days.  
First off I have come to realize that not having a solid plan in place is setting oneself up to fall down a slippery slope to nothing good.  I usually plan ahead but this time things kind of went whacky for me.  

My 5K was on Saturday so on Thursday I had plan on getting in a good run and taking Friday off to rest up for the event. Well it was raining on Thursday so no run happened. When Friday arrived I got a bit stir crazy in the house and got a bright idea to go for a walk/run just to loosen up a bit. Well lo and behold I FELL! Yup, I went flying like superman right to the ground, arms straight out and fell 1/2 on the sidewalk and 1/2 on the grass.  A rush of stupidness came on suddenly and then a jolt of pain in my right shoulder/upper arm area.  I picked myself up, brushed of the dirt and walked home with a little less enthusiasm than I had when I left the house.  Actually I was crushed & mad at myself, I'm always so careful and that particular day I just rushed off with no plan in play except to just go. 

I ran my race the next day with caution and with some discomfort.  I started that day feeling nervous, excited and a fear of falling again with only this time a crowd to see. Thankfully I didn't.  The race wasn't my best run but I finish and I'm proud of that.  A few times in the beginning of my run I even wondered if I could even do it.  The mind can play evil tricks on you and I knew that all too well so I pushed through the doubts and repeatedly told myself "I can do this"!
And I DID! 

Since the race I've kind of taken it easy. Yes I did some walking at Epcot on Sunday but since then I pretty much have stayed quiet treating/babying my shoulder until today and I went to the gym. My shoulder is better than it was but not fully healed yet. There still is pain when using it in full rotation but hoping in a couple more days it will be good as new.  

September still has a little over a week left and I'm ready to give it my all. It's back to the gym, walking  and running the beach for me.  
Well that's it for now. 

Well Wishes, ((Hugs)) & Prayers, 

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