Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Water, Water, Water!

Who has trouble getting in their daily required water? ME!!! 
I am so guilty of not getting in enough water.  

I'm not a big drinker of anything.  It's not like I drink so much of other stuff that there isn't room for water.  I drink hot tea, a cup or two a day usually is it. I don't drink soda or  juices much either.  As for juice I like a cup of organic apple juice or orange juice if by chance we buy it, which isn't often.  As for water, it takes me everything I have to get through one bottle. On a good day which means it very hot out, I've worked out or walked in the heat I then can get in maybe 3 bottles.  Yes, I know, that's not nearly enough of what my body needs.  

Water has great benefits, especially with weight loss.  Maybe this is one big reasons my weight loss is slow, I'm NOT drinking enough.  Hmmmm.  It's time to reevaluate my strategies and really put this water drinking to the test.  
Here are a few benefits of drinking water. 

How much should one drink? 
A rule of thumb is that you should drink half your body weight in ounces.  This means if you weigh 150 lbs then you should drink 75 ounces of water a day.  That is 4 1/2 of 16.9 oz bottles of water.  I just recently read an article that this rule is for sedentary people and for those that are more active that you should drink 75% of you body weight in ounces.  Now that is a whole heck of a lot of water I must say!  This is a really challenging task at least for me. This would mean a person of 150 lbs should drink 112.5 ounces of water each day. Thats just shy of 7 full 16.9oz bottles.  Yikes! I need to step up my water intake a bunch!! 
Here is the basic reference chart or cheat chart. 😊

 Options and Ideas
Adding lemon juice or slices of lemons help get me through some and on some days I prefer it to be room temp and others I like it to be ice cold.  I also like to add other fruit slices into it as well like oranges, apples and I've even added strawberries with pineapple before. All are very tasty I must say.  
I guess the hard part for me  is the I initial step in grabbing the water to begin with.  With me personally I never feel or seem to feel thirsty.  This needs to change or I will never develop a healthy habit of drinking water or the right amount needed for my weight and activity, especially if I'm on this journey to lose weight.  

I have tried to line up at least 4 bottles daily and set my mind up to drink them through the day.  So far I haven't had great success in being consistent with that but Im still working on it.  I know some people set up a whole gallon jug and mark times on it with a marker to show what time they think a portion should be gone by.  Maybe I will adapt this method and see if that helps.  If any of you readers have any suggestion on how I can encourage to up my water intake please leave a comment in thisblog. 

My own line up of water

The marked jug option which I may give a try and see how I do.  

I shall report back after I've tried more options and any suggestions that get posted. 

Well Wishes, (((Hugs))) & Prayers & Drink Up! 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Self Love

When struggling with a weight problem for years some where down the road the way you see your self gets very distorted. At least for me it had. There was a time in my life that I loved having my picture taken, trying on new clothes, seeing myself and feeling beautiful and loving who I was fully.  Mind you I was healthy, at an acceptable weight and was comfortable in my own skin. Then one day It seems I woke up and not only felt like a stranger to myself but started to not like me.   Who I am as a person inside to others really didn't change but how I felt about me did and that's when things went wrong.  I neglected me,  my feelings, and what was best for me. Before I new it I wasn't just over weight but developed some health problems, some of my own doing and others from hereditary circumstances.  

It wasn't till a little over a year I said " It's time to love me again". With loving myself I knew had to come change. Change in how I saw and felt about myself, change in how I treated myself and change in where I placed myself as a priority.  
"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." Buddha

I'm still the nice, caring, loving person I always was but I think now I can be a nice, caring, loving person who values and loves who she is. It has taken a long time and still some days it still gets to me but I know I am not defined by a number on a scale, my pant size or for that matter my bra size either.  I will not let any of those things steal my joy or the love I can give to myself. 

For years I would cringe when getting my picture taken or find some way out of it.  You probably could only find a dozen or so pictures of me with my boys growing up or my husband. Sad and I totally regret that, you have no idea.  I became the picture taker, not because I was good at it but because it meant I didn't have to be on the other side of the lens.  Now today we are in the time of SELFIES, seems like everyone is doing it.  Well I decided last year to embrace it and join in on the selfie. Maybe it will help me see myself better and learn to like her more.  The first few were scary! I mean really scary! The thoughts that went through my head... Who would want to see a picture of me? No one! If I post this then everyone will see how horrible I look, how fat I was or worse... Really judge me on what I look like and not who I am. As you can imagine I can be pretty hard on myself, but I'm learning to over come my fear of the other side of the lens and embracing who I am and learning to love her.  I've taken a few selfies now in the past few months and Im handling them better each time I snap a shot. Do I share them all, nope but it's a start.  

So as of now I'm in progress! I'm progressing towards loving myself.  
I'm progressing on taking care of me, my health and my personal reflection of me.
 Why? Because I matter and I'm worth it.  

Things I've Learned:
Everyday I'm a work in progress. 
Making myself a priority requires time.  
Not all selfies come out good, that's just how it is and is it ok.  
I'm more than a number, a whole lot more!!!

Well Wishes, (((Hugs))) & Prayers,

Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Full Plate

Is your plate full??  

Mine is full, more than one way and some isn't so good.  

   When it comes to the Whole30 you should be eating a full plate of whole foods full of color, nutrients and goodness.  No sugars, grains, dairy, processed foods. I have no problem filling my plate with such healthy goodness.  You don't have to be a gourmet chef to come up with compliant and good tasting meals.   Here I will show some of my meals that are basic, filling, tasty and quick and easy.  

     As some of you may not know I go at the Whole30 solo in my home.  My hubby and 20 year old son have no part in the program but will take part in the protein I make and that's where it usually stops.  I have a bunch of veggies & some fruit easily accessible but those are never touched by them. Sad but true.  Anyways like I said because it's just me so I keep it simple, no need to go all out and get fancy.  

     My breakfasts include a protein, veg or 2 and sometimes a fruit.  
This round my go to protein was mostly eggs, I've had an occasional extra lean ground beef patty in replace of the egg as well.  As you can see zucchini or yellow squash is also a favorite.  In the begining of my week I cut up I like to buy a few squash/zucchini and wash, slice them up and keep in a ziplock bag or an airtight container in the fridge.   This makes it easy to grab a handful or two and sautéed them quickly in a pan with dome ghee butter or coconut oil.  Some mornings I'll have some fresh fruit along side but not every morning.  If your on your first Whole30 I'd recommend minimizing the use of fruit, this will help control the sugar craving much quicker.  At least that has been my experience.  
The bottom right corner picture has pan seared sweet potato medallions with cinnamon on it.  This it so delish to me.  I'll post on how I make them near the end of this blog.  I also make a yummy sweet potato, chicken sausage & apple hash.  I will share on how I make it as well. 

     Dinners and lunches are so some what very similar to each other. Just like breakfast I have a lean protein and veggies.  Below you will see my mostly made meals. Dinners 1-2 are: Extra Lean burger with sautéed French cut green beans with garlic made in ghee butter, roasted baby carrots with cinnamon in olive oil. Roasted bone in chicken breast with baked sweet potato.  
My more Whole30 dinners were again burger patty with squash and strawberries, sautéed squash & zucchini with left over cooked chicken and finally my favorite- Veggetti pasta with compliant sauce and extra lean ground meat.  I will never miss out on spaghetti night ever again.  

As you can see my plates are pretty full with color and goodness.  

Now let's talk about another means of a "Full Plate".  

    I've taken on a few month long exercise challenges for my fitness, the Whole30, and more volunteering stuff since the new year started.  Well I have a confession to make, my Whole30 commitment has been an absolute challenge to keeping faithful. I have been away from home over 2 different weekends which has put me in situations that compliant food isn't readily available.  I've come to realize in the past I've only put my full investment in the Whole30 and regular daily activities and not other things and they were successful. This time around I think I've piled my plate way too full to be fully dedicated to it and I have back slided into a tough spot.  Do I start over in the middle of the month?  Or should I devot my attention to what is going good and start the Whole30 again next month and keep that my only focus for the month? 
    Like I said my other challenges are going great, I'm racking up the miles, faithfully doing my 30 day cardio plus some fitness videos a few times a week.  My eating isn't horrible but it certainly isn't 100% compliant to the Whole30 plan.  I guess I'm going to keep plugging along and try and not make horrible choices but I have come realize I will need to recommit to the Whole30 another time with less on my plate and not have the added stress to trying to keep it all together.  Stress for me is like a huge button saying "feed me and you will feel better".  I know that is just a false sense of emotions and for the most part I have been able to avoid and over come situations like that. My past Whole30 experiences have shown me the proof in that and what my body really needs.  This time around I was just hoping to clean up some things that have crept back into my diet that may be holding my progress back.  

It's time to check if your plate is full and of what. Is it full of unhealthy foods & fats and processed food, or is it full of colorful veggies, lean healthy proteins and good fats, or is it over flowing with too much going on and no time to focus on the right priorities for your health. 
 It may not be New Year's Day anymore but it's never too late to repriorities things for the good of your health.  Set goals, start small, learn from my experience and don't over load your plate.  I'm cheering you on!! 

Sweet Potato, Sausage & Apple Hash. 

Peel 3-4 large sweet potatoes then cut in thick circle and dice in cubes.  Cook in coconut oil in skillet. Cook until fork tender. In another pan cook turkey or chicken sausage.  (usually cook the day before, slices better in cubes while cold) 
Once sweet potatoes are tender add meat. How ever much you want. I only add 1 1/2 links.  Then cut up 2 apples in large chunks and add to skillet. Add cinnamon, salt, pepper to taste. sautéed till Apple are slightly cooked.  I like them not too mushy. 😊 It's great as a breakfast side or just as the main dish. 
* I like to add some mined onions as well when just making it for myself. 
It makes enough for the week for me.  I just grab a cup or so full and reheat in pan.  

Cinnamon Sweet Potato Medallions

Bake sweet potatoes in advance in the oven and keep in fridge over night. Do not peel! 
Take out cold potatoes. Cut in half.  The skin should come off easy but try to keep potato intact. Heat pain with oil or ghee, slice potato in thick slices, (usually I get 3 medallions per half potato) sprinkle with cinnamon and brown in pan each side. Since already cooked won't take long to brown and sides get crispy with the cinnamon and browned.  


Well Wishes, (((Hugs))) & Prayers, 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Walking for the Health of It

It wasn't till this past year I have learned to love walking. Walking has become my go to exercise for not only my fitness but a tool I use to get a healthy mind set. 

Walking has a TON of benefits! 
(according to American Heart Association) 
Walking at least 30 minutes a day can...
~ reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke
~ improve blood pressure & blood sugar levels
~ in some people it assist in weight loss, maintain weight and can lower risk of obesity 
~ boost mental health 
~ reduce risk of osteoporosis
~ reduce risks of some cancers like breast & colon
~ reduce risk of diabetes (Type 2)

A leisure walk is great but it can be easily turned into an exercise to reap the best benefits. When I first started I just walked with no technique in mind or even with much thought of it as my go to fitness on my journey to health.  It wasn't that long and I found myself looking at it as much more than a walk but my go to routine. 

Let's talk about TECHNIQUE! 
This is how it goes for me after I did a little research on the matter. 
~ look forward with head up 
(don't look at the ground your bound to get a neck ache like I did plus you want good posture) Also you need to be aware of your surroundings, I've almost not seen other walker and bikers coming towards me and it could have ended with me on flat my rear. Lol
~ shoulders back, and neck relaxed not tensed. 
~ swing your arms with a little bend in them.  Pumping is ok too, that's what I prefer when I increase my speed
~ slightly tighten stomach muscles
Warm up/Cool down 
Don't forget to warm up & cool down at the end of your walk. To do this, you walk slow for about 5-10 min before you pick up speed to a brisk walk and again at the end of your walk slow it back down. A brisk walk is about 3 mph or more or about 20 mins per mile.  It is said that a pace of about 15 min per mile or 4 miles in an hours time is a moderately intense zone. When you are walking at a brisk pace you are breathing harder but still able to speak but not sing.  Ha! When I'm cruising at a good pace there is no singing to be done that is for sure.  

I've learned that to lose weight (burn fat) using walking as your main exercise you must get in (or at least I do) 45-60 mins of walking, 5 days a week at a moderate intense pace to get my heart rate at 50-70% of its maximum. Over time I've not only picked up my pace but also my distance.  I personally try to get in no less than 4-5 miles each time I head out. Some same days I don't get that whether it's because time doesn't allow or my mind is working against me, but I try and push myself out the door and put in some walking time anyways.  I also have worked up my distance over time and like to add two to three longer distances in each month. Those distances vary but range between 8-12 mile walks at one time. It usually depends on what my time allows. 

After each walk I feel pumped, energized and a sense of accomplishment.  I think mostly because I know that I'm doing my body good.  The fresh air going in my lungs, my muscles all warmed up and my clear mind are all things that are my proof my body & mind are happy, happy.  ðŸ˜„

* I'm no expert, all I can give you is my experiences.  I do advise you to get cleared by a health professional if you have any health issues to begin with or if your new to exercising. 

To keep me from getting bored, and the walking part isn't what gets me bored, but the scenery is.  I walk in my local area near my home but I change my routes often just for a new scenery.  I also drive to other locations like the parks in my area, gardens and or the beaches just to give me a new perk of a view. It's a real treat on the days I do that.  I love to soak up my surroundings and it really helps give my mind a sense of calming and peace. 
Here are a few of the sceneries near me I get to enjoy on this journey to better health. 

Keep focused and keep it fun. 
I try not to lose the big picture why I am doing this. Yes I want to lose weight but mostly I want to be in good health.  So I remember even if the weight doesn't come off as fast as Id like I know with each walk Im doing my body good.  Im reducing my risks of many health problems, some that are very serious. Why not load up that iPod with some of your favorite tunes that get you moving. It's funny how when my songs shuffle and it lands on one of my favorites I get an extra pep in my step.  ðŸ˜Š

Well thats it for now, I'll be back soon to give an update on the few first days of this round of the Whole30. But remember, what ever it takes you to be motivated, inspired, laced up and out the door do it. 

Well Wishes, (((Hugs))) & Prayers, 


New Year, Reflection & Goals

Happy New Year! 

 2014 was a pretty good year for me.  
It was a year full of special moments like my daughter in-love (Inlaw) graduating from the US Air Force, my youngest son graduating high school and my grandson graduating from preschool, lots of celebrations! The trips in 2014 were sensational!  Like going to Texas to celebrate the graduation of my daughter in-love and meeting her dad for the first time and seeing all the graduating class during all the ceremonies. A family trip to GA during the summer and meeting my sisters there too was a huge highlight of my year. Getting us all together even for a few short days was very uplifting for my spirit and hope we can make it a yearly thing. We not only had a blast on the lake with lots of lake toys but the stress free relaxation was very much needed. Later in the year I took another trip to GA that turned out to be a huge achievement for me plus a first to add to my lists. I entered and completed my first 1/2 marathon. Man, though it  was challenging it was an incredible feeling.  I trained in flat land Florida but never imagined how hilly Georgia would be or was till that day on the course.  What a challenge and workout that was.  That trip also was filled with lots of pampering as a gift from my fabulous sister.  

2014 was also a turning point year for me and my health. I finally found what works for me diet wise and exercise.  I lost 25 pounds in 2014 from July 10 to the end of the year. I am looking forward to seeing the numbers on the scale go down but mostly to see the changes for myself in the mirror, my abilities and all that I can achieve.  

With being a new year it's time to make yearly goals and continue my monthly goals too. I find that making goals has been a key to my success in 2014 and I plan to carry that success throughout 2015. 

Here are my 2015 Making My Health A Priority goals. 

Here are my January goals along with 2 monthly challenges I'm doing. I'm also doing another Whole30 again to clean up my system from some of the bad choices I'd allowed to creep back in during the holiday months. 
New Month Goals
Walking Challenge 
30 Day Challenge
The jump rope move I'm opting out of but replacing it with squats. 
Well that's a very quick wrap of 2014 because I could go on forever with many great things to tell. 
Feel free to join me in my challenges or share with me your 2015 goals. 

So far I have had a great start to my 2015. LOL, I know it's only day 2 but I am more prepared than I have ever been in to start a new year! My mind is also in the right place and I also know what I need to do to continue success since I've already done it in 2014. 

Bye for now

May your year be full of health, great attitudes & much goodness! 

Well wishes, (((Hugs))) & Prayers, 