Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My first 5K and the Unexpected

I've taken a bit of a hiatus from things the past few days.  
First off I have come to realize that not having a solid plan in place is setting oneself up to fall down a slippery slope to nothing good.  I usually plan ahead but this time things kind of went whacky for me.  

My 5K was on Saturday so on Thursday I had plan on getting in a good run and taking Friday off to rest up for the event. Well it was raining on Thursday so no run happened. When Friday arrived I got a bit stir crazy in the house and got a bright idea to go for a walk/run just to loosen up a bit. Well lo and behold I FELL! Yup, I went flying like superman right to the ground, arms straight out and fell 1/2 on the sidewalk and 1/2 on the grass.  A rush of stupidness came on suddenly and then a jolt of pain in my right shoulder/upper arm area.  I picked myself up, brushed of the dirt and walked home with a little less enthusiasm than I had when I left the house.  Actually I was crushed & mad at myself, I'm always so careful and that particular day I just rushed off with no plan in play except to just go. 

I ran my race the next day with caution and with some discomfort.  I started that day feeling nervous, excited and a fear of falling again with only this time a crowd to see. Thankfully I didn't.  The race wasn't my best run but I finish and I'm proud of that.  A few times in the beginning of my run I even wondered if I could even do it.  The mind can play evil tricks on you and I knew that all too well so I pushed through the doubts and repeatedly told myself "I can do this"!
And I DID! 

Since the race I've kind of taken it easy. Yes I did some walking at Epcot on Sunday but since then I pretty much have stayed quiet treating/babying my shoulder until today and I went to the gym. My shoulder is better than it was but not fully healed yet. There still is pain when using it in full rotation but hoping in a couple more days it will be good as new.  

September still has a little over a week left and I'm ready to give it my all. It's back to the gym, walking  and running the beach for me.  
Well that's it for now. 

Well Wishes, ((Hugs)) & Prayers, 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Taking Control of My Health: Dr Update

   Most of us can tell if your coming down with a cold but can you tell if your lab levels are off? 

  I stress a bunch on being in tune with my body for many reasons. 
# 1 I can catch changes quickly before things get too out of control. 
# 2 I can be very clear with my doctor and know how to proceed 
# 3 I know to get a call in quickly to my dr as well to get my lab levels checked if need be. 

  Today I finally got to see the dr after what I already suspected what was happening, my thyroid levels going up and my symptoms showing themselves once again. My symptoms can come on slowly and then can be full blown over night.  A few weeks ago I could tell I wasn't at my best that I had been.  Gradually my symptoms started to present themselves more and more (decrease in energy, needing naps after a workout, low mood and easily unmotivated, heart palpitations, occasional joint pain). I had my TSH checked right away and was correct of what I suspected, unfortunately dr couldn't see me for another 2 weeks to talk over a plan of action which was today. 

   We talked a bunch of what I'm doing daily with my diet & exercise and what I want in general- OPTIMAL HEALTH. He loves my dietary changes and my proactive health routine I have created for myself. He says it's not an easy task to stay so disciplined like I have been. 

  With my Hashimoto I will always need thyroid meds at this point but like I told him, I refuse to need prescriptions to mask anything I can find the root cause for and deal with it that way. No need for unnecessary prescriptions!   It's up to me to rid my pain from inflammation , control my cholesterol, sugars levels, BP  and anything else that I can control within my doing of diet and exercise.  

   He was very pleased with my previous lab results of my RA inflammation and having zero chronic pain from my back and joint issues- labs shows no inflammation at all which has been controlled by avoiding foods that cause inflammation. 

  My BP is excellent compared to last year I was borderline hypertension and dr wanted me to consider meds at that time. 

  My weight is down 30 lbs (would have been down 35 if my levels didn't go crazy the past few weeks but that's what I get to deal with and I have to accept the process on how my body functions and not give up either way) 

I have lots of labs ordered for the end of October to not only recheck the thyroid levels but to make sure what I am doing, taking or eliminating has continued to change things for the better like: my autoimmune & anemia, vit D & B 12, cholesterol, liver functions & A1C.  Dr is confident that my hard work is paying off and I will be pleased with the results. 

  All in all I'm pretty happy with how things are going and proud of myself too. It's not easy day in and day out to stay committed but I've taken on the job to find wellness not add to a prescription list.  I will be glad when the new dosage kicks in and thyroid levels change again for the better and my unwanted symptoms dissipate. 

So it's a forward motion ahead: I'll continue to eat clean, avoid certain foods, stay active and continue to MAKE MYSELF A PRIORITY every day! 

Well Wishes, ((Hugs)) & Prayers, 