Sunday, June 7, 2015

JUNE: Week 1 Recap

Week 1 of June recap 

Walked 29.20 miles = 8 1/2 hrs total
80-90 min total of exercise down by the river
Lost 1.6 pounds YAY! So happy to have the scale move again.  

I'm very thrilled with the added workouts down by the river during the sunrise that my workout partner and I decided to start. What a way to start the day with such beauty! I know in the coming weeks we will tweak it to make it flow better and become even more challenging for us. 

I've been away from home since Friday in a hotel with no fridge, microwave etc. with family. I managed to do well with my meals considering.  I also did a mini workout in the room this morning- squats, leg raises, v ups, bridge, plank & skiing moves. I don't usually do workouts on the weekend but felt I needed to add some extra movement in today.  

Since I weighed myself on Fiday morning I'll will probably step on the scale in the morning just to see if my weekend was managed ok. Id like to see if there is something I need to do different next time I'm away for a few days so I can keep the scale moving in the right direction. 

Looking forward to Monday and another awesome week of sun, sweat & miles with my workout buddy. 

Well wishes, ((hugs)) & prayers, 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Reflections & June Goals

I still can't believe it's June already! 
The time just flies by regardless if I'm doing something or not.  I'm so glad Im still in the mind frame of making my health a priority and setting the time I need to do so.  I've had some ups and downs, some victories and even some set backs but my heart and mind are still dedicated and determined to live out this journey to health.  

Health to me does not equal a number on a scale.  I want to feel well, look well, have the ability to do things without limitations, sleep soundly, think clearly and have energy to live life out. 

The scale has had too much control over me in the past and little by little I have been giving up on the grips of the scale.  My weight now is undesirable (even with 26 lbs loss) but because I say it is and clearly the scale does too.  However the numerous charts out there give me a different number of what I should weigh for my height and build. I used to think that one certain number was golden.  I refuse to let a scale, chart or some calculator gadget tell me what I should weigh. Yes I understand the whole BMI, BF % and all the other things one uses to say if your at a healthy weight or not.  I may not feel or look well at 123lbs nor may I even want to desire to be that even if the charts say so.  I may be ok at 140 and have lots of energy.  So for now I have a high range and a mid range number Im shooting for.  I still have a ways to go regardless. Will I still weigh myself? Yes, but I refuse to let the number staring me down determine my level of joy for that day. 

Mays Reflection 
As you know it was my surgery month and my time to recovery.  I have to say I did pretty good considering I watched the scale fluctuate each week. I had 2 weeks of pretty much being stationary which drive me nuts.  During that time i made adjustments and I focused on my meals and ate lower calories due to my lack of movement. 
With all the up and down on the scale I still dropped 2.6 lbs from May 1st.  To me that's huge because there are months I can do all the right things and have ZERO  loss or even a gain. As for my walking I did 56.9 mile the entire month. Mind you there were 2 weeks of none what so ever so in that respect I think I ROCKED IT!  
I'm pretty pleased with my May results. 

This month is my birthday month and I am focusing on all things positive. I'm alive & becoming more well day by day and all things are possible.  I have some fun things planned for the month ( mostly being with my family) and hope to add in some fun things with friends too. Nothing that needs to cost money, just living in the moment and loving life even sitting by the pool or walking my puppy Bentley.  Life is too short to dwell on or fuss about should of, would of, could of or if onlys.  

   My Goals & Challenges 

* I'm looking forward to all the new added routine my workout buddy and I have planned. I'm hoping for result in any shape or form. And let me just say it's day 2 of June and my muscles are on fire. 
* I enjoyed getting in a 10 miler last month and look forward to doing it again and even a 13.1 miler as well. Yes I was sweaty, sore and tired but it also was a good sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. The kind of feeling that you would want more of to help encourage and push you along.  I can't do them too often but hope to see a couple this month. 

     My morning workout spot at 6:30 am. 

Well that's a wrap for now. 
I'll be back with up dates and maybe a few fun shares of my month. 

Well Wishes, ((Hugs)) & Prayers,

Monday, June 1, 2015

Surgery & Recovery Up Date

Some have wondered what kind of surgery did I have.  
I waited to give any details to see how I was going to be and what the full outcome of it would be as well. 

I had a hystorectomy. 
There I said it! I only told my family and a few closest friends.  
Why I had such reservations about it, Im not sure exactly.  I think one part is that it's a very personal thing to go through and like everything-everyone has an opinion.  I didn't want the stress, worry or anything added to what was already a huge decision I was needing to make for my health.  The bottom line is I had a ton of miserable and very unwanted symptoms that left me either in pain often or I was held captive at home for a few days in a row for ongoing months. I called my doctor after I thought long and hard and did my own research and a pelvic ultrasound was ordered.  Basically in a nut shell the ultrasound showed why I was having such problems daily and monthly.  I had already knew my ovaries had been full of cluster cysts from my PCOS diagnoses years ago.  What was new was a very enlarged uterus full of fybroids and bilateral cervical cysts that were causing most of my discomfort.  I was refered to a GYN specialist soon after.  

I saw the specialist and she listened fully to my complaints, symptoms and future plan ideas and then she presented me with my options.  There weren't many options after hearing my side and seeing the ultrasound results so surgery was agreed the way to go to regain my life back.  My biggest concern was I very much wanted to keep my ovaries and if not both then to save one.  She explained the uterus was too enlarged to go an easier route of surgery so another 7"-8" incision would join my already 2 c-section incisions.  It's a good thing I don't have a bikini body nor is it a reality in the future to have one.  The doctor proceeded to explain the Fallopian tubes and cervical canal would be removed but she could not guarantee saving any of my ovaries till she actually when in at the time of surgery to see if they were healthy or not. 
Surgery Day:
I was awake at 4 am and arrived at the hospital for 5:30 am.  Surgery was scheduled at 7:30 and was to take no longer than an 1 1/2 hrs. That time frame changed once in and my mom and husband were notified it will take much longer as doctor wanted to take her time removing from what she says was an extra long cervical canal.  I woke hours later and was very happy to have a pain pump machine as I was feeling the discomfort for sure.  Happily the doctor said considering my PCOS, both my ovaries were in good condition so they got to stay.  Yay, happy dance for sure!  I did not want to go right into menopause and now I won't and my natural clock will do that for me.  Hoping that happens much later than sooner.  

First time on my feet was a shocker! 
The next morning I was encouraged to get up and walk to the bathroom.  Oh My Goodness! Being able to walk miles upon miles as my daily activity I thought it would be a simple task.  Who was I kidding! I needed a walker. Yes a WALKER!! Also with my mom on one side and my eldest son on the other maneuvering the pain pump just to take a few wimpy steps.  This was a huge shocker to me and kind of upsetting knowing how far I had come in my daily activity and had such worries on how long it would take to get back to my normal routine again. 

My first week:
When I was discharged I went home to my moms house. I still was very shakey on walking and it proved to be a very challenging task for me.  I moved very slow and held a pillow in front of my abdomen when ever I walked or sat to aide in support.  My little pillow I received from the hospital became my essential accessory for the next few weeks.  My mom was a great caretaker and I can most certainly say I couldn't have recovered so well if I came straight home.  I know I would have not gotten the adequate kind of rest I needed nor the awesome yummy meals.  Lol 
Thank you mom, your awesome! 
    Just a few of my yummy meals. 

My tummy pillow the hospital gave me right after surgery & flowers & balloons from my dear sweet walking buddy.  

I went home week two, actually a couple days after Mothers Day and still took it easy. I gradually increased my movement around the house and in the yard walking each day.  I was itching to get back walking so later in the week I went out and did my thing.  😄 It wasn't easy, and I didn't go too far but it felt so good to be doing what I love.  

Week three & four:
Back to my walking routine and feeling great. I had one minor set back with incision area but since have taken care of and moving forward.  I have racked up the walking miles in these last two weeks and have enjoyed being back walking with my walking/exercise buddy and seeing the fantastice morning sun too.  

So now May is coming to an end and Im excited to start a new month. 

🙏 Praise Report:
Labs show all areas of concern are cancer free.  
Thank You Jesus! 

Thank you to those for you encouraging words, prayers and thoughtfulness this past month. 

Well Wishes, ((Hugs)) & Prayers,